Our Mission

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Temple Israel of the Poconos takes pride in its historic mission of providing a home where Judaism and the Jewish community of the Greater Pocono area can flourish. It takes pride in its history of being the vital center of Pocono Jewish life. 
Temple Israel of the Poconos is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism.  Through the study of prayer, Hebrew, Jewish history, the practice of acts of charity, kindness and compassion and identification with the state of Israel, we will give each child the opportunity to develop his life in keeping with our Jewish heritage, traditions, and values.  

We stand together with Jewish communities around the globe and stand proudly with the democratic State of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people.  We support all initiatives which will lead to true peace and security for Israelis and for all peace loving groups in the region who believe in a peaceful and prosperous future for the children.

In the words of the Prophet Micah, (Micah 4:4): "Each will sit under his vine and under his fig tree, With none to make them afraid."